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We are in the human institution building business. We exist to help individuals honorably master the most powerful institution known to man: self.
We model and create experiences for individuals to align with excellence, kindness, and honor thereby illuminating integrity.
The Importance of Integrity Work
Studies confirm that individuals who operate from a high moral standard, value their relationships, respect the rights of others, and regularly participate in experiences that improve the quality of their life, live longer and are happier as they live. Conversely, studies further confirm that individuals who operate from a low moral standard, tend to dishonor their relationships, could care less about others' rights, and take their quality of life for granted, are more likely to have health challenges, die sooner, and are meaner as they live.
Agency + Action + Accountability = Integrity
Our Philosophy
Our Philosophy in Practical Terms

When the integrity of a house is intact, the house receives a high appraisal. When the integrity of a car is intact, the car receives the best market value trade-in offer. When the integrity of an organization is intact, the organization receives a premier valuation. When the integrity of a relationship is intact, the relationship goes the distance. Hence, we teach that the integrity of a thing is the steadiness, reliability, excellence, and honor of a thing. We teach that when we are intentional about constructing and properly maintenancing a meaningful life, we are rendered uncompromisable. We become an institution of INTEGRITY.
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