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Our Practices & Services

Our north star at The Integrity Institute, LLC is helping individuals and organizations find their way back to agency and joy by disrupting pain and panic. Our course correcting practices and services have been tested in the context of lived experience, are supported by reliable research, and tracked by standard quality assurance protocols.​​​​

Making Vulnerability A Necessary Growth Proposition

Our heart is a sacred, delicate place. Clinician and best selling author Dr. Anita Phillips likens the heart to that of a garden. Because gardens are as intricate as they are beautiful not everyone knows how or can be trusted to care for them. Similarly, matters of the heart, being fully present, and saying the tough thing out loud is fiercely protected, particularly in settings with people we may not know, may not know that well, or with people who tend to render us invisible. Our Practice: Establish an atmosphere of engagement conducive to dismantling vulnerability barriers for the sake of achieving healing.


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Facilitating Closed Team Dialogue That Reimagines Harmony

It is often said that communication is important. At The Integrity Institute, LLC we qualify that statement by saying effective communication is important. Indeed, two people can be talking to one another and neither person hears a word the other is attempting to convey. Therefore, having a conversation where no one is screaming, using vulgar language, cutting people off, or judging every word that comes out of someone's mouth is the goal. Our Practice: Illustrate to work teams via vignettes and expert findings how disrespect and bullying erodes trust, honor and unity while also negatively impacting work output.


Confronting Compromised Mindsets and Cultures

More often than we know, some of what they we think, say and do is not of our own volition. We believe it is because we are thinking it, saying it and doing it. But the truth is to the extent our parents indoctrinated us with their beliefs, and our friends indoctrinate us with their beliefs, and our faith institution indoctrinates us with its beliefs, we are always operating under the influence of competing forces that we may not be 100 perfect cognizant of. Unfortunately, the incongruence of these competing forces can incline us - intentionally or unintentionally - to mistreat each other, disregard the value of another's experiences, or even spew hate. Our Practice: Take a deep look at the origin of teachings/cultures individual's practice, examine any biases or prejudices within said practices, offer mechanisms of action and resources to deconstruct familial or societal divisiveness.


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Teaching Leaders to Lead With Compassion vs Dominations

"Whether criticism or praise, it's a leader's job to give their team feedback all the time. But every person on the team should be hearing more about what they did well than what they could do better, or they're going to feel deflated and unmotivated." These are the words of Unreasonable Hospitality author and Thank You founder, Will Guidara. Too many leaders erroneously associate compassion-based leadership with weakness and fear-based leadership with strength, but research and experience working with leaders gives us to know that employees are more likely to feel appreciated by and go above and beyond for the leader who asks, "How is your family?" just as often as they ask, "Why haven't you completed that task?" Our Practice: Introduce Guidara amazing framework along with Brene Brown's courageous leaders framework as practical and research based frameworks we use to assess environment and empower leaders to bake decency into the workplace culture in a way that makes everyone better and the organization better off. 


Hosting Public Convenings to Lift Up the Best of the Human Spirit

Nothing fills the soul, comforts the Central Nervous System, and affirms our value as human beings like being in community with likeminded people who see us, hear us, and love us. Research confirms that one of the best indicators of a life well lived is the quality of an individual's connections. Our Practice: The Integrity Institute's founder is national known for creating community via conferences, trainings, retreats, and more. This tradition of spearheading monthly, quarterly, and annual inspirational convenings continues as one of the cornerstones of her work here at The Integrity Institute, LLC.​

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​We provide 1:1 coaching as well as host workshops, summits, retreats, and listening sessions that get to the heart of agency and what it means to be an Institution of One. Topics include . . .

  • The Way to Integrity

  • Living in Gratitude

  • What's Next?

  • Correcting A Joy Deficiency

  • Finding Purpose After Loss

  • Reclaiming My Lost Self

  • Discipline vs Control

  • The Power in Choosing




We partner with organizations to help restore order, reset the culture, and to remind leaders that organizations can only be as healthy as the individuals that lead them. Our staff and leadership trainings are fun, interactive, thought provoking and include topics such as . . .

  • The Way to Integrity

  • Performance Development

  • Talent Management

  • ​Compassionate Leadership

  • Courageous Leadership

  • Quality Assurance Protocols

  • Corporate Culture Assessment

  • Transforming A Joyless Work Environment​

Is it time to hire The Integrity Institute, LLC?


If you are an educational institution who wants your students to understand the power of agency; and wants your students to have a head start on what it means to establish themselves as the most powerful institution they can rely upon; and understands the need for your students to be a driving force of excellence, kindness, and honor in the world, we are your partner. 


If you are an organization with more occupational hazards than standard operating procedures, we can help. If your organization suffers from low morale, high staff turnover, bullish leadership, persistent disregard for order, unruly grievances toward change, or censored input, yet you want to return camaraderie, productivity and joy to your organization, hiring us is an appropriate next step. 


If are an individual who feels lost, alone, stuck in resentment or regret, and/or feels paralyzed by the craziness of life, we can help. If your last few decisions grossly contradict who you really desire to be putting joy out of reach, yet you long for better but don't quite know how to get there, hiring us will make the next best decision easier to come to.


Our work centers agency because we understand that the core of integrity is being able to manage oneself consistently and intentionally in any setting and under any set of circumstances.​​​


We partner with schools on the high school and college level to provide 12-weeks of agency development sessions using our The Institution Curriculum. Sessions are facilitated by our trained team and cover such topics as . . .

  • What is agency?

  • How does one develop agency?

  • How does one use agency appropriately?​

  • Discipline vs Control

  • The Power in Choosing​

  • Coming Into Your Own As a Young Person

  • Steps to Curating My True Narrative

Service Delivery Pathways

Diversifying the way we delivery services to our clients not only allows us to be more effective but also allows us to impact more lives.  Some of our pathways are cornerstones. Others are new. All support our institute's mission. Email or call us today to discuss your need and the best pathway to meeting that need.​​











The need to be met . . .


Americans think they work in a toxic workplace


Source: Business Insider

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